Saturday, July 20, 2019

Worldwide Denial of Global Warming Essay -- Essays Papers Environment

Worldwide Denial of Global Warming As human beings, we need to respect the environment in which we live. This is important to greater our future and that of others to follow. Very few people realize that their daily behaviors have a direct impact on the environment, the atmosphere in particular. By emitting harmful gasses into the air on a daily basis is one of the main reasons of such climate changes. People notice such changes and yet don't do anything to help the situation. Wee don't realize the risks that such changes in temperature pose. Rather than trying to conserve gas or taking cold showers, we still go on through our daily activities reluctant to change that will in time benefit the earth. By conserving gas and other harmful emissions like oil and electricity we are lessening the risks of global warming. By recognizing the potential risks, it will become easier to find practical solutions. There have been some steps toward conserving gas. Hybrid cars are becoming more and more popular among Americans and as well as other consumers. These cars will use less gas to get more mileage. Honda, is taking .steps toward lowering harmful gasses into the atmosphere by introducing these futuristic cars to the American public The main purpose of these cars is to reduce the dependency on gas for automobiles. As cheap college students, we all know how expensive gas is today, wouldn?t you rather save all the money you spend on gas and use it for other things like beer, clothes or other recreational purposes. The effects of global warming will have a lasting impact on the entire world. All people in all nations will experience unfortunate outcomes if something isn?t done soon. ... ...ed are called ?renewables.? ?Renewable energy technologies use solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, or biomass energy? (United States EPA). Such new technologies are clean compared with traditional energy technologies, which burn fossil fuels such as oil and gas and can be used to solve many environmental problems. Work cited Frazier, Ian. ?As The World Burns.? Mother Jones March/Apr. 2003: Vo.28. 2: Academic Search Premier. EBSCO Marshall, George and Mark Lynas. ?Why We Don?t Give A Damn.? New Statesman 21 Jan. 2003: 132. 4666: 18+.Academic Search Premier. EBSCO Schulz, Kathryn. ?Global Warming Right Now.? Rolling Stone 20 Feb. 2003: Iss.916 Academic Search Premier. EBSCO United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Renewable Energy: The Road from Global Warming To a Cleaner Future Office of Policy. September 1998.

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