Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Leadership interview Essay

Our root interviewed five leading varying from caper owners to Sr Vice Presidents of different organizations. As we began to analyze the interviews from our leadinghip we noniced much common nationals than differences amongst them. The first common theme was that three out of the five leading tell that they defined themselves as participative lead entitles. They functi adeptd as a facilitator rather than app arntly issuing sanctifys to those that they project. The leaders encouraged brisk participation from their squads every(prenominal)owing them to express their opinions and be able-bodied to demonstrate their abilities. Our leaders participative leadership styles exclusivelyows the skills of all their team up members to be utilized in make suggestions and findings but the leader is alleviate responsible for making the final close. This entrust allow everyone to prepare their gossip and tender a well rounded decision that will create a affirmatory pur lieu which will only acquire profitability to the organization. As the traits theory of leadership, some of our leaders concord that leaders are natural with leadership characteristics. They athe likes of agreed that on that point are genuine characteristics that flock be streng thened and developed by the leaders through their childhood years, beliefs, the milieu in which they surround themselves, the ability of how they learn, and close to importantly how they react when being provided with feed dorsum. leadership can enhance and learn certain characteristics through advice, observation of others, and their own experiences. Everyone is born with certain characteristics that will develop into strengths and weaknesses. A good leader will give away these characteristics and apply then into their leadership capacity. As cold as the common characteristics that the leaders cute in their employees commitment to the great deal of the organization was among the most common. B y having the very(prenominal) quite a little people have a better understanding of the future environment where they are operating, a better understanding of what the organization must be standardized in the future to be successful, a common goal for building team work and a common reverie en for sures that everyone makes decisions based on the same direction. Our leaders agreed that result driven employees were another(prenominal) characteristic that they value. Our leaders explained that they like their teams to adopt forth not only the line but possible solutions that will encourage make the best decision for the team and at the same term enhancing theteams decision making skills. Trustworthiness and inter psycheal skills were too common characteristics that our leaders stated that they valued in their employees. Interpersonal skills are inevitable on a daily soil which would include verbal communication, non-verbal communication, listening skills, problem-solving, a nd decision making.One of the leaders stated that the biggest quarrel day to day is people and retentivity that people are people. This is when having a person with good interpersonal skills can be very useful to the organization. When it came to the decision making process our leaders stated that they like to take their time in making the correct decision but at times when time is limited they fate to follow their instinct based decision. When time is not of the essence our leaders stated that they make their decisions in the following go 1) Identifying and clarifying the issue in dubiousness this gives them an opportunity to gather facts and ask questions approximately the issue in question 2) viable solutions or options 3) Process the information that has been provided to them and then finally 4) Implementing the decision. This process allows the leaders to build up the communication between the leaders and their team. This goes back to making a decision where everyone ha s input based on the vision and last of the organization. Consistency with solutions to issues will bring organic structure when the need for a resolution arises deep down an organization. You will have the ability to extend issues equally and know that you have through your due diligence in conclave as much facts and data needful to make the right decision.One issue that our leaders agreed is that they lead by example. Leading by example is one of the strongest ways to show your dedication the team. As a leader you have to immortalize that actions speak louder than words. Our leaders know that treating our employees with truthfulness and respect in another pauperization for their employees. Leaders understand that how they treat a person is the same way that the person will treat them. As far differences between leaders there were not noticed during the interview process there were not any that were noticeable. They all seemed to have the same values when it came to their teams or departments. They all expressed that they have confidence in the teams and the people that work with them. The answers provided by the leaders tie into what we have learned in class because as the interviews were being conducted we looked at leadership styles of each individual leader. We also analyzed the examplesthat they provided as they explained their styles and made sure that the style matched the examples that they were providing us.For example, in the case where our leaders stated that they considered themselves Participative style we looked for examples that go acrossly matched the style like the leaders being accessary of their teams and the input. All leaders mentioned a clear vision of the organization that they support. In order for our leaders to dribble that others follow that vision that would need to understand it themselves. It was very fire to see that all the leaders had a vision that coincided with the value system of the organization. The most imp ortant lesson that we learned about truthful leaders is that leaders will support and help strengthen characteristics of those that are unforced to follow to the vision of the organization. We have a better understanding of what leaders expect from their teams and will make the team be effective.

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