Friday, July 26, 2019

General Biology - Summary and Review of Two Articles Article

General Biology - Summary and Review of Two Articles - Article Example Charles Darwin’s suggestion that life began from a warm little pond rich in nutrients also supported the concept; however, oceanographers still continue to find the oases of life on the seafloor. Meanwhile, a team of researchers discovered that the cellular fluid is very similar to condensed vapors found in volcanic mud pots on land and that terrestrial environments boast the high ratios of potassium and sodium compared to marine environments (Mosher, n.p.), which explains why cellular life probably began on land as cells are rich in potassium and sodium. The first cells were believed to have no complex proteins to pump excess sodium making them highly permeable and completely at the mercy of their environments. Geothermal fields on land such as mud pots are probably rich in potassium, an environment favorable to begin cellular life; however, scientists ignored the theory because the modern Earth is in acidic condition. I agree with what the scientists say that life began at primordial oceans. In my opinion, a warm, slimy mud fed by volcanically heated steam is not an ideal setting for cells to begin or either sustain life. I learned that a warm and moist environment could host bacterial cells but an environment with above boiling point temperature such as a volcanically heated steam could kill living cells thus, it is not possible for cellular life to begin in an environment that could kill them at once. In addition, I think that my perception about where cellular life began is true.

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