Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Values- Allport-Vernon free essay sample

Critically evaluate â€Å"Allport-Vernon† classification of values. How values  affectthe business processes. Values represent basic convictions that â€Å"a specific mode of  conduct or end-state of  existence is personally or socially preferable to  an opposite or converse mode of conduct orend-state of existence† (Rokeach, 1973). When the values  are ranked in terms of  theirintensity, i. e. , when the value are prioritized in terms of their intensity, it is called valuesystem. Types of values include ethical/moral values, doctrinal/ideological (political,religious) values, social values, and aesthetic values. Values have both content and intensity  attributes. The content attribute signifies that amode of conduct or end-state of existence is  important. The intensity attribute specifieshow important it is. Ranking an individual’s values in terms of their intensity equals thatperson’s value system. Values build the foundation for the understanding of attitudes and motivation of anindividual, since; value has a  great impact on perceptions. Values shape relationships,behaviors, and choices. We will write a custom essay sample on Values- Allport-Vernon or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The more positive our values, more positive  are people’s actions. Asignificant portion of the values an individual holds is established in the early years—fromparents, teachers, friends, and others. Allport-Vernon classification of values: 1. Theoretical: Interest in the discovery of truth through reasoning and  systematicthinking. 2. Economic: Interest in usefulness and practicality, including the  accumulation of wealth. 3. Aesthetic: Interest in beauty, form and  artistic harmony. 4. Social: Interest in people and human  relationships. 5. Political: Interest in gaining power and influencing other people. 6. Religious: Interest in unity and understanding the cosmos as  a whole. Work behavior across cultures and  businesses In every culture, there are different sets  of attitudes and values which affect  behavior. Similarly, every individual has a set of attitudes and beliefs – filters through which he/sheviews management situations within organizational context. Managerial  beliefs, attitudesand values can affect organizations positively  or negatively. Managers portray trust andrespect in their employees in different  ways in different cultures. This is a  function of theirown cultural backgrounds. For example, managers from  specific culturestend to focusonly on the behavior that takes place at work, in contrast to managers from diffused  cultures who focus on wider range of behavior  including employees’ private and

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