Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay on Traits of an Effective Counselor - 1065 Words

Counselor characteristics are also an important part of the therapeutic dynamic. As the case study demonstrates, the professional counselor began with a good rapport and empathy. I believe the session was effective because the client and the counselor worked together with re-evaluating how the client was going to improve his circumstances. In this case study, the counselor establishes a good relationship and empathy with the client, which allows him to be completely honest about his thoughts and feelings. The counselor assesses continually the relationship between what is going on in the client’s life, in the session. An effective counselor can help pinpoint the obstacles in client life. Counselors are expected to develop a professional†¦show more content†¦Experience near understanding of the clients world is accomplished through the therapists investigation of the clients relationships and life history. Communicative attunement helps the client symbolize, organiz e, and make sense of inner experiences (Clarke, 2010). As this case study demonstrates the professional counselor used open questions to encourage exploration and to help identify the client’s thoughts. These questions in the case study allow room for the client to respond in numerous different ways, which depends on the needs and intentions of the client in the here- and- now of the counseling session. Open questions allow the professional counselor to pull together the key issues to begin the collaborative process of determining a plan of action for the client. Open and closed questions are the skills used to gather information, to aid in assessment, and to provide a focus and direction to the session. The power of open questions: The client, and the counselor, has the choice to determine the content and the direction of counseling. Open questions usually elicit fuller and more meaningful responses by encouraging the client to talk at greater length. Open questions give mor e control to the client (Erford, 2010). The counselor forgets to let the client signShow MoreRelatedCharacteristics Of An Effective Counselor1340 Words   |  6 Pages Characteristics of an Effective Counselor Desirà ©e M. Ericksen Liberty University â€Æ' Abstract This paper reviews four published papers and/or studies that have researched the characteristics of effective counselors. Each of the papers/studies list their own set of characteristics, but share a common thread of empathy, compassion, warmth, genuineness and emotional stability. 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