Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay on Traits of an Effective Counselor - 1065 Words

Counselor characteristics are also an important part of the therapeutic dynamic. As the case study demonstrates, the professional counselor began with a good rapport and empathy. I believe the session was effective because the client and the counselor worked together with re-evaluating how the client was going to improve his circumstances. In this case study, the counselor establishes a good relationship and empathy with the client, which allows him to be completely honest about his thoughts and feelings. The counselor assesses continually the relationship between what is going on in the client’s life, in the session. An effective counselor can help pinpoint the obstacles in client life. Counselors are expected to develop a professional†¦show more content†¦Experience near understanding of the clients world is accomplished through the therapists investigation of the clients relationships and life history. Communicative attunement helps the client symbolize, organiz e, and make sense of inner experiences (Clarke, 2010). As this case study demonstrates the professional counselor used open questions to encourage exploration and to help identify the client’s thoughts. These questions in the case study allow room for the client to respond in numerous different ways, which depends on the needs and intentions of the client in the here- and- now of the counseling session. Open questions allow the professional counselor to pull together the key issues to begin the collaborative process of determining a plan of action for the client. Open and closed questions are the skills used to gather information, to aid in assessment, and to provide a focus and direction to the session. The power of open questions: The client, and the counselor, has the choice to determine the content and the direction of counseling. Open questions usually elicit fuller and more meaningful responses by encouraging the client to talk at greater length. Open questions give mor e control to the client (Erford, 2010). The counselor forgets to let the client signShow MoreRelatedCharacteristics Of An Effective Counselor1340 Words   |  6 Pages Characteristics of an Effective Counselor Desirà ©e M. Ericksen Liberty University â€Æ' Abstract This paper reviews four published papers and/or studies that have researched the characteristics of effective counselors. Each of the papers/studies list their own set of characteristics, but share a common thread of empathy, compassion, warmth, genuineness and emotional stability. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Character Building in School Essay - 2748 Words

Character Building in School In a society with a vast array of different beliefs and mediums through which these beliefs are presented, children can get lost in an overwhelming sea of influential ideas and concepts not necessarily intended for their eyes and ears. Character education is a concept that calls for teachers and school curriculums to guide students in learning what Edward F. DeRoche and Mary M. Williams (2001, p. 25) described as â€Å"core values held sacred by a democratic society.† Parents are generally considered the teachers of morals, but if values like sharing, compassion, and honesty are never enforced or addressed outside the home, these values may never be established as a stable foundation in the child’s mind.†¦show more content†¦This practice would continue for a long time until the mid-1900s. As the country’s population became more diverse, people started to shy away from teaching specific, religious values and beliefs to children. It became no longer acceptable for one set of values based on Christianity to be taught in public schools, where children of all sorts of different backgrounds attended. In 1963, the Supreme Court deemed prayer and the use of the Bible for worship in public schools unconstitutional (Hunt, 1969). Soon afterward, the concept of values clarification was developed. Howard Kirschenbaum (2000), a former values clarification supporter turned character education supporter, defined values clarification as the guiding of youths in the development of their values while not imposing the teachers’ or anyone else’s values on them. Education went from incorporating religious values to merely presenting children with information and allowing them to develop their own values. In light of taking religious influences and traditional val ue teaching out of schools, generally people had shifted to a different outlook. In an issue of the National Education Association’s journal, Today’s Education, printed in the late 1960s, the R. L. Hunt (1969) emphasized that because God is mentioned in historical governmentalShow MoreRelatedEssay on What if the Secret To Success is Failure?1083 Words   |  5 PagesMany schools today have incorporated some sort of character development program to teach the qualities of good character. The question is, what constitutes good character? How do you define character? How do you develop character? What is the affect of character on education? These are all questions that many educators struggle with as they attempt to implement these programs. Recently the word â€Å"character† was the whole reason for the disbandment of our District’s National Honor Society. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Salmonella free essay sample

Salmonella Salmonella is a rod shaped, gram-negative bacteria, which infects humans and other mammals. It is the most common cause of food poisoning and the leading cause of Salmonellosis. Salmonella infects more than 40,000 people a year in the US and causes 400 deaths a year. It is caused by consuming raw or undercooked food, having contact with a person or animal that is infected by salmonella, and poor kitchen hygiene. Symptoms of salmonellosis include diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps. Researchers have yet to come up with a vaccine to help prevent salmonella oisoning. Citations: 1. Salmonella. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/salmonella 2. T. S. Desin, W. KÂ ¶ster, and A. A Potter Salmonella vaccines in poultry: past, present and future Expert Review of Vaccines, January 2013, Vol. 12, No. l, Pages 87-96 3. Kelland, Kate. Scientists Use Salmonella Bug to Kill Cancer Cells. Reuters. Thomson Reuters . 4. Gast, R. Research to Understand and Control Salmonella Eggs. We will write a custom essay sample on Salmonella or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Research to Understand and Control Salmonella Enteritidis in Chickens and Eggs.. 5. Locchead, Carolyn. Warnings as Salmonella Strains Resist Antibiotics. *Gate.. Methods: Motile, Gram-negative bacteria Lactose negative; acid and gas from glucose, mannitol, maltose, and sorbitol; no Acid from adonitol, sucrose, salicin, lactose ONPG test negative (lactose negative) Indole test negative Methyl red test positive Voges-Proskauer test negative Citrate positive (growth on Simmons citrate agar) Lysine decarboxylase positive Urease negative Ornithine decarboxylase positive H2S produced from thiosulfate Do not grow with KCN Phenylalanine and tryptophan deaminase negative Gelatin hydrolysis negative Once the bacteria enter the body, if it is able to survive the harsh environment of the stomach, it causes a massive inflammatory response, which has a negative impact on the existing normal tlora. The nontypnoidal species ot Salmonella tocuses i ts disease process in the gut and causes the diarrheal symptoms. But if the bacteria passes through the stomach lining and enters into organs or the central nervous system, it becomes Typhoid Fever. Our bodies do have defenses against Salmonella. The extreme acidity of our stomach many times kills the bacteria before it can reach the intestine. If it passes through the stomach then the motility of the GI will push it through the system as quickly as possible. Mucus protect the lining of our intestines and the intestinal flora may try to crowd out the bacteria while the flushing or motility is occurring, so the bacteria does not get a chance to irritate the lining and cause harm [9]. A recent outbreak of the Salmonella Saintpaul strain (a fairly uncommon serotype) occurred throughout much of the United States during the summer months of 2008. Ultimately 1442 people were infected with the bacteria, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) narrowed down the contaminate to Jalapeno and serrano peppers, grown and packed in Mexico and possibly tomatoes from Mexico earlier in the summer. People in 43 states were affected with Texas and New Mexico having the most number of cases [12]. Reported cases of nontyphoidal Salmonella have been stable in the US for the past several years at about 13. 4 cases for every 100K people. Adding to that number all the people who do not report much milder cases of Salmonellosis, it is estimated that there are 520 cases for every 100K people nnually in the US. In 2007 the reported cases were a little higher; at 14. 9 cases per 100K. However, worldwide estimates of nontyphoidal Salmonella range from 200 million to 1. 3 billion, with an estimated death toll of 3 million each year [13]. There is a vaccine that is effective against Typhoid fever but none for nontyphoidal salmonella [9]. To prevent the diarrheal illness it is important to not cross contaminate foods; that is, to keep uncooked food from touching raw or other previously foods, and keep cooking surfaces and utensils clean.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Makeup Cosmetics and Women free essay sample

Running Head: Makeup Makeup 1 5TH JULY 2009 Today, makeup has become a hot topic among society. Almost everyone applies make-up on their faces. Everyone knows that women apply makeup the most, but not men. Do really only females can do make-up or apply makeup? No! The era is changing now. In order to enhance physical appearance, men apply make-up on their faces too. They apply make-up more than any females which are most of the males or mens purchasing cosmetics more than females. But, women apply make-up in a same way too. They apply make-up Just to change the appearance of the current outlook. They Just want to show more confidence without the shallow eyes after make-up was apply. Besides that, men apply make-up due to the rise of the metro- sexual; make-up is the right of men, too, and no longer the sole right of women. Metro-sexual is a term referring to a man who is meticulous about his appearance. We will write a custom essay sample on Makeup: Cosmetics and Women or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He is always in fashion and very well groomed. Therefore, there are six reasons why women and men apply make-up to their faces: women love putting on make-up in order to enhance their physical appearance; putting make-up can increase the confidence of women; women should be able to apply make-up due to it is a social anner; men love make-up because they have started to become concerned about their physical outlook; in todays world, most of the cosmetic products contain skin protections which enable men or women to use them, and men use makeup in order to cover the pores or scars on their faces. Normally, most of the women would love putting make-up in order to enhance their physical appearance. According to Hazel Leong (2007), people looking good with their physical appearance does anything also will feel easy because people will react to them more optimistically. People always tend to deal with them better because eople do Judge others by their poise and contentment shown in their total outlook. (Leong, H. 2007. 3 secret Makeover tips to Enhance Your Appearance! ). Hence, makeup is a necessary tool for women, apply the right makeup can improve any womens physical appearance. In order to apply the right makeup and techniques could be learn from reading a books or asking a friend. (Dating Advice About Physical Attractiveness, 30th June 2009). It is so easy to understand why women love putting make-up. The women want to be attractive and beautiful among the people through putting different kind of make-up products on their faces. By ascara, eyeliner, and so on apply on their faces to make them look more attractive and alluring. Besides that, the women want to catch someones attention that they admired. So, women apply make-up to make them become more beautiful and pretty. Moreover, makeup becomes a habit for some women since they were applying the make-up too often. At the end, these women were relying on makeup, without makeup they rather not going out in front the door because they feel not comfortable without putting make-up on their faces. Furthermore, women love people praise them beautiful so they apply makeup to cover the blemish, freckles or acne scars on heir faces to make them look more charming and spirit. Therefore, women love putting make-up since it can enhance their appearance, making them more attractive, catch someones attention that they admire, feel comfort after applying make-up, and get people praise them up. Not everyone is perfect in the world; one may have some weakness on their physical outlook. In the past thousands of years still todays world, women are so mind their physical outlook, by the way women putting make-up to increase their confidence. This is because physical appearances are generic and are not going to change. No one can grow second time; people cannot grow two more inches and cannot change the shape of our face. By then, create a variety of amazing looks by how people style and apply make-up. (Mason, Linda. 1994. Makeup: The Art of Beauty). Hence, makeup can help those women who look not nice or have some skin problems that they probably lack of confidence. The reason why they lack of confidence is it is so imperative to make a great first impression due to the world is so cruel and superficial. People do Judge a book by its cover. (Adrian Sullivan, K. 0th June 2009, Why Wear Make-up). So, they use make-up to cover their blemish or scar n their faces to make their appearance look good and more confidence. Moreover, properly applied foundation and blush can give a youthful glow and brighten our face. The women look youth after make-up was apply. Besides that, not only ugly women need makeup, good looking women need too! This is because some may look no spirit due to their eyes are not big enough or attract and this will properly make them look like no confidence and no spirit.