Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Task 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Task 1 - Essay Example The responses should enable you to identify what you are good or bad at from which you can create a personal SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). From this SWOT analysis you can then concentrate on developing certain areas that will enhance your academic and professional development. We would very much like to† get to know† you through this document and would encourage you to also complete the notes section. In this you could give us a rationale for your responses to the questions. Most careers require five skills of; (1) communication; (2) Research and planning; (3) interpersonal skills; (4) Leadership; and (5) survival skills. As a member of the Qatari Navy, it is my belief that I’ve have displayed these five key skills with communication and interpersonal relations standing out. Of significance is that I see essential leadership skills in me with relevant skills in networking, organization, interpersonal relationships and communication. These traits exhibited enable me to properly manage most projects. Team members need to feel respected, appreciated and valued. Listening to their contribution therefore, allows their self worth to come out enabling them to be confident in the duties of the team. As a leader, one has the responsibility of providing a sense of direction through clear explanation of goals so that each member has a proper understanding of their respective roles and responsibilities. Members should also be given the room to provide feedback and float useful ideas. From my experience within the Qatari navy, when junior staff are belittled and made to feel insignificant to receive regular communications on an organization’s happenings, absenteeism numbers increase with a rise in staff turnover besides poor performance. My experience in organization with the Qatari Navy has made me absolutely confident of my ability as an effective leader. As a team leader, I must stay ahead of the rest in terms of knowledge

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