Friday, September 27, 2019

BNSF Taps the Strength of Veterans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

BNSF Taps the Strength of Veterans - Essay Example This is an advantage to the company. BSNF stands to benefit by hiring talented employees with skills vita for operating a successful business ( Zoroya states that it is a government initiative to support the hiring of veterans by offering tax incentives to employers. The government also caters for the retraining programs and job training courses that will ease the integration of veterans into the work force. This means that BSNF receives thousands of dollars and federal tax benefits among other incentives for hiring veterans. For example, the federal work opportunity tax credit is benefits employers who employ veterans. Zoroya explains that an employer can benefit from a tax credit as high as $2400 for hiring a qualified veteran and another $9600 for hiring a veteran with disability (Zoroya, â€Å"Hiring veterans is good business†). In the United States, it is a part of the amendment that veterans who left the service after 9/11 receive a health care service fo r five years. BNSF stands to benefits from such a program since it does lower the employment cost, therefore, employers do not have to cater or contribute to the healthcare cost for veterans fit for this program. A company such as BSNF who support such a national cause, which aims at encouraging the employment of veterans stands to be rewarded by consumers ( ... 85 % of consumers have a positive image of products or companies that support social causes such as hiring of veterans. Gaining customer loyalty due to support of this social cause promotes the competitive edge of the company. From the example above it is evident that this data does illustrate the benefits BNSF stands to achieve from supporting the hiring of veterans. The support from consumers arises from the fact that veterans offer strong support to the company that hires their expertise. The brand or products marketed by the company also stand to benefit from support from other veterans. BNSF also stands to strengthen its talent pool the skill learnt by veterans in the military are transferrable. We consider positive outcomes such as improvement of communication in the company. The concept of team building will be part of the company since team building forms the foundation of the military training. BNSF benefits from hiring employees who value critical thinking and problem solvi ng in their line of duty. When considering the comments made by BNSFs CEO, the hired veterans are an essential part of their company, and their skills represent BNSFs competencies. The company also gains national recognition by receiving awards for the U.S department of defence issued BNSF with a freedom award for being a military friendly organisation ( Such recognitions are beneficial in marketing the organisation nationally as well as internationally. What attributes can make a veteran an attractive job candidate? Veterans make attractive job candidates because they have the skills that make them exceptional employers. According to BNSF CEO, veterans who join their organisation possess some attractive attributes such as being highly

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