Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The dangers of BPA (Bisphenol A) in Plastic bottles or containers Speech Presentation

The dangers of BPA (Bisphenol A) in Plastic bottles containers - Speech or Presentation Example I. Introduction How many of you have taken drinks or food products packed in plastic bottles? How many times do you stay for a day without using a plastic bottle or container? How many plastic containers do you use in your kitchen every day to warm food and store left over’s? Most of us in college always pack their sandwiches in plastic containers because it is the most convenient packaging material. Plastic bottles or containers are cheap and easy to carry around because they are light. Plastic containers and bottles are used world wide. Take a walk into a supermarket one day and you will be amazed at just how many food products are packaged in plastic bottles or containers. Just take a look in your refrigerator and count how many food products are packaged in plastic cans or bottles. Today we are going to look at a component known as Bisphenol A (BPA) found in plastic bottles and containers, specifically the effects of Bisphenol A. We are also going to look at samples of pla stic bottles that are safe or unsafe to use. We always use plastics because they fit our convenience. Plastic containers are most convenient when it comes to packing our drinks or food. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a toxic material found in the hard plastic containers or bottles. Usually, Bisphenol is used to harden plastic bottles or containers. Bisphenol A is located in the lining of plastic beverage and food plastic cans. The most disturbing issue is that plastic bottles used to feed children have been found to have Bisphenol A. II. Body. Bisphenol A is a chemical material found in polycarbonate resins and plastic materials or bottles; it possesses a health hazard to animals. A. Chemical compound of Bisphenol A. 1. Bisphenol contains phenol chemical components known as acetone 2. When acetone is highly ingested, it causes irritations that will depress the central nervous system. 3. Acetone can cause irritations in the eyes when it comes into contact with the eyes and the respiratory syst em. B. Health hazards of Bisphenol A. 1. Bisphenol may be dissolved in foods and drinks that we take. 2. Although Bisphenol is highly digestible, high exposures of low plastic levels of Bisphenol in the plastics can lead to several health complications in animals. 3. According to the National Institutes of Health, Bisphenol can cause interference with the body’s estrogen production (endocrine Disruption). 4. Many studies conducted by scientists have shown that rodents exposed to high levels of Bisphenol show change behaviors and brain structure. 5. Rodents exposed to Bisphenol exhibit cancer, difficulty in breathing and diabetes. 6. Although effects of Bisphenol on human beings is inconsistent, recent studies have shown that exposure of human beings t to low levels of Bisphenol can inhibit the production of a hormone known as Adiponectin. 7. Adiponectin is used to regulate levels of insulin 8. Studies have also shown that Bisphenol A can cause obesity in human beings. 9. Bisp henol A can also cause negative effects on the pregnancy. C. Research Studies 1. The Food and Drugs Administration in United States has come under fire for claiming that BPA is not harmful by the Natural Resources Defense Council in 2008. 2. The National Institute of Health in 2008, raised concerns about the safety of BPA on plastics used in storing beverage and food products as allowed by the Food and Drugs Administration in United States. III. Conclusion. Since it is impossible not to use plastic containers and bottles, it would be advisable to

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